1. Gallery (Project 01)
  2. Gallery (Project 02)
  3. Syllabus
  4. Schedule 
  5. Tutorials
  6. Lectures
  7. Assignments
  8. Software / hardware
  9. Resources
  10. Course links 

Breanna Browning 

Henry Yang 


(newest oldest)

Project 02 submission: 

Due Thursday, March 14, 2024 by 1:00 PM

Please upload your projects entitled “240314_lastname_firstname” to this Google Drive Folder. 

Homework 09b: 

Due Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Please upload 3-5 screenshots / videos of your progress on Project 02 and an updated narrative (4 sentences max) describing your project. Please use the following template: 

  • Sentence 1 Overview/ basic concept: Something like: “My project explores ideas about ____ by ____ and ____” or “I am interested in ____, which my work investigates by ____.” Etc. 
  • Sentence 2-4 Explanation: Expand on your concept. Note what aspects of Project 01 you’ve chosen as your starting point. 

Upload your pdf entitled “240307_lastname_firstname” to this Google Drive folder

Homework 09a: 

Explore the tools and techniques covered during our workshop with Prof. Madl today. Progress on Project 02. No submission required. 

Homework 08a: 

Due Tuesday, March  5, 2024

Please upload 3-5 screenshots of your progress on Project 02 and 1-3 sentences describing your plan/narrative in a pdf document entitled “240305_lastname_firstname” to this Google Drive folder.

Project 02: 

Assignment Brief here.

Due Thursday, March 14, 2024 by 1:00 pm

Project 01: 

Due Thursday, February 22, 2024 by 1:00 pm

Final projects should be submitted by 1 pm on Thursday, Feb 22 to this Google Drive, titled “240222_lastname_firstname.” Please put your file (ideally an mp4) into the folder for the day you’ll present, which can be found here. You can upload your pdf with your physical construct images in the same folder named “240222_lastname_firstname_images.”

Homework 06a: 

Part 1
Project 01 Progress 
Due Thursday, February 15, 2024

Work on your final for Project 01. The review is next week! Note that you will NEED TO ACCOUNT FOR RENDER TIME so don’t wait until Monday night to try to render. Please be ahead. You should aim to upload your Project 01 files by 10 AM on Tuesday, February 20.

For this homework, just upload a screenshot, video, screen capture - anything to show your progress. 

Upload files to the Google Drive for assignment 06A with the name “240213_lastname_firstname.” 

Part 2
Due Thursday, February 15, 2024

Taking into consideration your project narrative, the feedback you’ve received in class, and the feedback you’d like to receive in the final review, write a concise narrative that you’ll read or use for the basis of your verbal presentation. Henry and I will provide feedback on this before the review.

  • Sentence 1 Overview/ basic concept: Something like: “My project explores ideas about ____ by ____ and ____” or “I am interested in ____, which my work investigates by ____.” Etc. 
  • Sentence 2-5 Explanation: Expand on your concept. 

Upload to the same google drive link as a pdf with the name “240213_lastname_firstname_narrative.”

Homework 05b: 

Due Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Option 01: Continue animating assets in project/working on Project 01 + upload a video or screenshot of your character animation from the class tutorial. 

Option 02: Integrate characters into your project (with animation). 

Upload your video files to the Google Drive for assignment 05B. You don’t need a high quality render for this - a low res mp4 is fine. Name it “240206_lastname_firstname.” 

Homework 05a: 

Basic animations 
Due Thursday, February 8, 2024

Explore the basic animation techniques we covered in class. Animate some of your objects and/or cameras in your scene for Project 01.

Upload your video files to the Google Drive for assignment 05A. You don’t need a high quality render for this - a low res mp4 is fine. Name it “240206_lastname_firstname.” 

Homework 04b: 

Part 1 
Texturing, lighting, UV unwrapping 
Due Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Explore the advanced texturing, lighting, or UV unwrapping tools we covered in the class tutorial. Apply what you’ve learned in your project, and render 3-5 still images of your progress. 
Part 2
Due Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Collect at least 3 relevant references for your project. This could apply to concept, visuals/graphic style/aesthetics, animations/movement, story, etc. It can be anything that you think is relevant. Annotate with 1-2 sentences for each reference noting what you’re interested in/how it applies.
**Combine both parts of the homework into one pdf and upload to the Google Drive Homework 04b. Name it “240201_lastname_firstname”

Homework 04a: 

New Technologies for Modeling 
Due Thursday, February 1, 2024

Using the modeling tools we discussed in class (photogrammetry, NeRFs, Gaussian Splats, AI tools), begin developing an environment, scene, or new element for your Project. Render (or screenshot) 3-5 still images of your progress. 

Combine into one pdf that’s named “240201_lastname_firstname” and submit them into the Google Drive for Homework 04a.

**note** All of the homework assignments should be contributing to your Project 1 final delivery. However, if you have complex modeling to do, intricate details, etc you should begin working on that as well in order to finish the project by the deadline (Feb 20). 

Homework 03b: 

Digital Kitbashing
Due Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Using the kitbashing techniques we discussed in class, begin developing an environment, scene, or new element for your Project. Render (or screenshot) 3-5 still images of your progress. 

Provide “Before and after” screenshots showing the assets you downloaded/found and how you’ve transformed them. Original models should be transformed significantly. Consider: material/texture, shape, configuration, polygons, orientation, positioning, scale, etc. 

Combine into one pdf that’s named “240130_lastname_firstname” and submit them into the Google Drive for Homework 03B.

Extra Credit 02:
Physical Kitbashing
Due Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Exteneded: Due Thursday, February 1, 2024

Use kitbashing techniques to make a physical construct, or add to your original objects. Your next homework, 04a, will be using photogrammetry - consider making something that you could 3d scan and import into your project. 

Bring the constructs to class on Tuesday, or photograph them if they’re too big/fragile/wet etc 

Homework 03a: 

Part 1
Texturing and Rendering 
Due Thursday, January 25, 2024

Please use the basic texturing and Arnold rendering tools we learned in class today (refer to the Notes) to detail your models. Feel free to experiment with novel strategies for texturing, as discussed in class. Explore the richness of your physical constructs, and try to bring some of their tactility to digital space. You do not have to perfectly match the textures to those of your physical constructs- refer to your narrative for your design decision-making. 

Complete 3-5 renders, minimum HD 720 resolution, and combine them into one pdf that’s named “240125_lastname_firstname.” Submit them to the Google Drive

Part 2
Narrative/Project Proposal Update 
Due Thursday, January 25, 2024
Please revisit homework 01B. Considering your expanding understanding of the software, the scope of the course, and the evolution of your ideas, revise and resubmit your proposal. If your ideas have not changed much, that’s fine. Note any specific concerns or questions. I will give you feedback on these documents this week. 

Upload a single pdf named “240125_lastname_firstname_narrative” into the same Google Drive folder. 

Homework 02b: 

NURBS Modeling   
Due Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Please use the NURBS modeling tools we learned in class today (refer to the Notes) to continue modeling your physical constructs. 

Take the following screenshots, and combine them into one pdf that’s named “240123_lastname_firstname”:

  • Top View 
  • Front View 
  • Side View 
  • Perspective Views (3+) 

Upload the pdf to the DMA server > Class folder > Drop. If you have server issues, use the Google Drive.  

*you can also continue working on your physical constructs*

Homework 02a: 

Poly Modeling   
Due Thursday, January 18, 2024

Please use the poly modeling tools we learned in class today (refer to the Notes) to begin modeling your physical constructs. You could work on modeling a small part of your object or the entire thing.

Take the following screenshots, and combine them into one pdf that’s named “240118_lastname_firstname”:

  • Top View 
  • Front View 
  • Side View 
  • Perspective Views (3+) 

Upload the pdf to the DMA server > Class folder > Drop.   If you have server issues, use the Google Drive. 

*you can also continue working on your physical constructs*

Project 01: 

Project brief here

Due Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Homework 01b: 

Part 1 
Project 01 Proposal
Due Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Write a proposal for Project 01. Include the following:

  • Narrative/conceptual framework (1 sentence elevator pitch + 1-2 paragraph explanation)
  • List of project elements (what will you be modeling? animating? downloading? what’s the scene like? is there sound? a story? etc) 
  • Are there any *special* technical components? (ie- is there a “main” part of the project? anything not listed on the outline in the schedule?) 

Upload to the server > Class folder > drop > Homework 01b as a pdf. Name the file “240116_lastname_firstname”. 

    Part 2
    Project 01 Physical Construct
    Due Tuesday, January 16, 2024

    Please begin to construct/ sculpt/ procure/ bash/ create a physical object relating to your project 01 proposal. 

    • No people (props, accessories, body parts, or augmentations are ok, but we won’t get to full characters until Week 5/6 - refer to schedule).
    • Keep in mind that you will be modeling this construct digitally. 
    • This construct does not need to be a “finished” work. You may continue working on this as we go, evolving your digital and physical models simultaneously. 
    • You could also iterate on multiple versions, letting the digital model inform the physical (and vice versa) over the course of the project. 

    Bring it to class on Tuesday for show and tell! If it’s too big/ fragile/ wet/ ??? to bring with you, take presentation quality photos to share with the class. 

    Extra Credit 01Due Tuesday, March 20, 2024

    Use the Fab Lab at some point during the construction of your physical construct(s)

    Homework 01a: 

    Part 1 
    Ideas inventory, survey, and research
    Due Thursday, January 10, 2024

    Part 2
    Software installs 
    Due Thursday, January 10, 2024
    Please install all required software on your home computer/ laptop (if you will be using one) before class on Thursday. Refer to the Software/hardware page for details. 

    Part 3
    Acquire required hardware 
    As soon as possible  

    Refer to the Software/hardware page for details.